
Why Hire a Consultant?

Why Should I Hire A Consultant?Have you ever considered contracting a consultant to do some of your projects rather than hiring a staff person? Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely positions that require staff, but too often I think organizations revert to what they know best, and that is to hire a staff.

Hiring out a job sounds risky… relinquishing direct control over who you have hired, but if you conduct your due diligence and ensure you hire a qualified consultant, have clear expectations and deliverables in an agreement, then it can actually cost you less than an employee.

Beyond the obvious reason of expertise, here are some reasons why might you consider hiring a consultant to do a task:

  1. You are my client and it’s my goal to make your life easier and to provide you with the best service possible. My reputation is an important component in securing future work projects.
  2. I can bring different perspectives to the table. I’ve worked with all kinds of clients on different projects over the years so I bring this knowledge and experience to your project. Additionally, it is important to me professionally to be on top of best practices and the latest trends. Therefore in my role as a consultant, I am continually scanning best practices, looking at what other organizations are doing, and reviewing research and studies.
  3. Professional development. Again, as a professional consultant, I need to be at the top of my game, therefore I make an effort to attend relevant information sessions, workshops, conferences, and other relevant training. I do this on my dollar, not yours.
  4. You don’t have to pay me for non-productivity. With staff, there are often hours when things are “slow,” however you still have to pay your staff their wage/salary. When your work is slow, I’m working on things in items 2 and 3 so you are not paying me for non-productive time.
  5. I’m not going anywhere and I’m in it for the long run. Unlike your employee, this is not a stepping stone in my career path. In my 20 years as a research analyst and consultant, I’ve seen momentum build up and then die with the coming and going of various staff persons.
  6. It is easy to get rid of me. When our contract is complete, I’m done. No hard feelings, no severance.

Lastly, because I want my clients to do well, I tend to be a “cheerleader” for them and I like to spread their good news and success stories with my networks. That’s free word-of-mouth. Contact Elan to learn more about how a contractor can help you to be more efficient. | 306.682.2168