Market Research
Market Research
Sound marketing or policy decisions rely heavily on sound research. Research provides the information necessary to make decisions that produce results and meet objectives. We have extensive experience researching in a marketing context.
We are professional researchers and have experience designing research studies using various research methodologies including online, telephone, or pencil and paper surveys, personal interviews, focus groups, and mystery shopping or intercept interviews. We adhere to the “Rules of Conduct and Good Practice” set out by the Marketing Research & Intelligence Association.
We are strongly skilled at collecting and compiling data, conducting analysis and interpreting research findings.
Here are some samples of the types of research we have conducted:
- Performance measurement
- Stakeholder satisfaction
- Program reviews
- Opinion polling and public consultations
- Organizational climate / employee surveys
- Service quality assessment
- Labour force studies
- Needs assessment
We have worked with over 35 different school boards throughout Alberta over 20 years conducting annual stakeholder surveys to track performance measurement.